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Scandal in the Wind


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  M.M., I’ll never be able to find the right words to thank you for opening my mind to a world of so many possibilities. This one’s for you.

  Chapter One

  Charleston, South Carolina, 1871

  To anyone passing on the street, Mr. and Mrs. Odell’s mansion looked majestic but empty. There were no conversations overheard from the kitchen or from the other servants doing laundry. All the help had been let go by Mr. Odell right before he walked out on his wife of five years.

  Beauregard Odell, formerly of Atlanta, Georgia, owner of a very profitable shipping company in Charleston, South Carolina could no longer take his wife’s spoiled, and careless behavior. He had said so after one final argument between them, expletively telling his once beloved Lily he no longer gave two shits what she did from that moment on. Lily had pleaded and begged for him to stay. As she grabbed hold of his arm to keep him from storming off into the humid spring night, Beau had raised his hand. He had slapped her across the face only one time before, to bring her out of her hysteria when she saw that her beloved childhood home had been burnt to the ground by the Yankees as they paved a path of destruction throughout the South to win the Civil War. She had expected Beau to hit her again. But the slap would only sting, whereas her heart was still in pieces over the loss of her best friend and former lover, Mary Ashford.

  Beau had accused her of being unfaithful to him with Wyatt Ashford, her neighbor whom she had known since girlhood. In a very calm manner, Beau told Lily he would divorce her.

  Beau had no clue Wyatt wasn’t the Ashford she had once desired, but his Mary, dead from a miscarriage that had killed her and her baby. Mary had been the one she longed for, not Wyatt, even though Mary had turned away from her long ago. Through vicious rumors, thanks to the uppity Charleston society, and Beau catching her and Wyatt in an embrace, he could no longer stay married to her. The slap never came, but instead Beau gave her cheek one last fleeting caress with the back of his hand. He took his packed bags and walked out of the home they had built together, once hopeful of starting a family.

  Now Lily lay sobbing in her bed…the same bed she had once shared many a steamy night with Beau. “Beau, how could you leave me? You promised you would never leave me again.” Lily spoke to the silent room as the late morning sun shined through the windows. She sweated as if she suffered from a fever, her exertion from nearly destroying her bedroom in rage. Her temper was well known and blamed on her Irish blood inherited from her father who died a year after the war had ended. Now with Beau walking out on her, she had no one. Her mother was also dead and her sister, Siobhan, hadn’t talked to her in years. Lily would never ask that traitor for any help. Her sister had moved up north and married a Yankee which was an insult to their heritage as Southern women.

  Lily landed on her back, fanning her face with a wrinkled fan. She was hot and furious; angry beyond belief at Beau for believing she would cheat on him with another man, least of all Wyatt, who still mourned the death of his wife and baby.

  “Mary,” Lily whispered softly, a tear falling from the corner of her eye. She reached down into her nightgown and rested her palm over her breast. Mary used to do the same to her when they were young, barely sixteen. She smiled, remembering the first time she and Mary had lain down next to each other naked in her bedroom. It had been the summer before Mary became engaged to Wyatt. Mary had been her first love, until Beau came along and helped her forget all she had lost...

  “Damn him. Damn Beauregard Mitchell Odell to the bowels of Hell!” Lily snarled and sat up, the memories of the way Beau used to touch her tore through her. He would pinch and tug on her nipples, his moustache and beard sweeping across her flesh, placing his claim as his mouth slid over her cunny and drank the very depths of her. But no longer. He’d left her just like everyone else had.

  The curtains shifted as a soft breeze fluttered across them, the lingering smell of last night’s rain stagnant in the air. Lily rolled out of her bed and walked over to the set of windows. She pulled off her nightgown and stood there in all her naked glory, facing the back of the house where the garden she had once taken such pride in, was now overgrown and ragged. Pressing her forehead against the window pane, she trembled with the overwhelming need to cry countless tears over her loss.

  The creaking of the door made her turn as Sissy, her devoted maid of twenty years, came in holding a tray. She wiped her eyes as Sissy set the tray down on the table. She didn’t bother to cover herself since Sissy had seen her without clothes many times before. Plus, she was quite proud of her body even at twenty-eight years old and having gone through a pregnancy.

  My darling Camilla…She held back a sob as she thought about the baby girl she would never hold in her arms and sing a lullaby to.

  “Why Miss Lily, you’ll catch your death walkin’ around with nothin’ on,” the curvy, dark skinned woman stated and tsked under her breath as she went over to the armoire and pulled out a fresh nightgown for Lily to wear.

  “Fiddle faddle, Sissy. I certainly won’t catch my death in this heat.” Lily fanned her face, and when Sissy brought over the nightgown, she grabbed it, ready to throw it to the floor.

  “It’s not too hot. Stop your whinin’. Now listen to your Sissy and put on that there nightgown and eat something. You’re wastin’ away,” Sissy said and motioned for Lily to sit at the small table where she and Beau had shared breakfast together.

  “I’m not hungry,” Lily said in a near pout, and when her stomach growled, Sissy raised her eyebrows.

  “You could have fooled me. You need to eat and then get changed. It’s too beautiful of a day to stay inside.” Sissy inhaled deeply and spread out her arms.

  Lily sat down and fiddled with her cup. “What’s the point in getting dressed? I have no one to meet. All my invitations have dried up. And I can’t take the stares and talk that will surely come my way when everyone finds out about me and Beau.”

  “Miss Lily, you’ve endured much worse and come what may, you’ll live without Mr. Odell. You survived war, death, and hunger. Losin’ a man is nuthin’ to go on about. All you can do is take one day at a time.” Sissy poured the coffee into Lily’s cup and waited until Lily took a sip.

  It had been days since Lily had coffee and she sighed as the savory bitter taste filled her mouth. Pushing her jet black hair away, she searched for the morning paper she liked to read every morning. “Where’s the paper?”

  “It never arrived and I didn’t have the chance to get one yet. The paper’s stop comin’ since Mr. Odell left.”

  Lily wanted to slam her cup down, but since she was a lady, she placed it gently on the saucer. “That bastard stopped the payments. If he was here, I would strangle him.” She drummed her fingers on the table, envisioning Beau with one of his belts around his throat as she squeezed the life out of him.

  “We’re almost out of food,” Sissy said as she wrung her hands together.

  Lily sighed and took hold of one of Sissy’s wrists. “I need you to remain strong. We both can’t have a breakdown. Once Beau gets over his little snit, he’ll be back.” She wanted to believe Beau would come back to her. She wouldn’t forgive him at first. Oh no, no no. She’d make him pay for what he made her go through these past few days. The last time she had felt such grief was over Mary’s death at the end of the summer and a few months prior when her precious Camilla—

  “Miss Lily!” Sissy called out to her in a loud voice and Lily cringed. Under times of strain, much like now, she tended to woolgather. She reddened unde
r Sissy’s scrutiny.

  “You’re giving me a headache with all your worrying,” Lily groused and took another sip of her coffee. She went to spread jam on her roll, when Sissy knelt down next to her and pulled out a long envelope from her apron.

  She knew it couldn’t be good. Whenever Sissy bowed her head like now, it was always to bring bad news. She had acted in such a way when she found her father hunched over dead in his rocking chair and after the doctor had taken her stillborn daughter away.

  A chill went up her back and the coffee she drank rolled in her stomach. She patted the top of Sissy’s head. “Don’t prolong my misery. What’s this you’re giving me?”

  Sissy didn’t look up at her. “As I was makin’ your breakfast, a man came with this here envelope and said it should be delivered right to you.”

  Lily used a butter knife to open the envelope. Proud that her hands didn’t shake, she pulled out the letter and began reading. But before she’d reached the end of the letter, her eyes widened and she vaulted up from her chair.

  “I-I can’t believe…he’s going to…” Lily, who was never at a loss for words, was now, thanks to her soon to be ex-husband.

  Sissy stood and picked up the paper Lily had dropped on her plate. Sissy scanned the page although she couldn’t read. “What does it say, Miss Lily?”

  Lily barely gave Sissy a glance as she moved up from the table and paced back and forth. Her nails dug into her palms as she shook, incensed by the sudden turn of events. “He means to sell the house, our house, by the end of the month and I must be out this week.”

  “Oh no.” Sissy covered her mouth.

  “Oh yes, he’s making me leave and if I don’t on my own accord, he’ll force me to.” A hoarse laugh left her. “I can’t believe it. I thought he was just angry and wanted to make me suffer by pretending to leave me. He really means it this time.”

  “Oh, Miss Lily, what we are gonna do?” Sissy’s voice rose to a near whine.

  “I haven’t a clue.” Lily tugged on her hair. “I-I need to be alone right now.”

  Sissy called out her name as Lily left her bedroom and ran down the hall. Her chest heaved as she rushed along the long hallway, reaching the door she hadn’t opened in over six months. Taking in a deep breath, she let herself in.

  The bedroom was half the size of hers and meant to be a nursery for the children she and Beau planned on having.

  Tears fell down Lily’s cheeks. Falling to her knees, she laid her face against the bars of the crib her baby daughter had never slept in.

  By the time Lily stopped crying, she went over to the rocker, took off the white sheet covering it and sat down. She rocked and hummed a lullaby her mother used to sing to her until Sissy found her and held her close, whispering words that were meant to soothe, but didn’t.

  Chapter Two

  The sleepy moan from the bed made Rose pause. When the sleeping woman settled back down, she continued giving herself a sponge bath to wash away the dried sweat and fluids from her body thanks to the fucking she’d enjoyed the night before. Once her bed partner had left, she would order a hip bath and bathe thoroughly. She didn’t want Margaret Anne to get ideas about staying longer than expected. She had outstayed her welcome and it was time for her to go.

  Rose stretched her arms above her head and squeezed the sponge water down the back of her head, the rivulets cascading over her generous bosom and in between the succulent hips and thighs Margaret loved nibbling on. She would miss Margaret’s clever tongue and nimble fingers, but she had grown too possessive and wanted more of her time than she wasn’t willing to give. As the sole proprietor of a booming brothel, her attentions were needed elsewhere.

  Leaving her water closet and walking softly past her bed where she gave the sleeping Margaret Anne a quick glance, she grabbed her red and white ankle length silk wrapper off her chair and pulled it on as she wound her curling chestnut hair into a braid. The smell of sausage and fresh warm bread reached her nose and she opened the door to her dayroom where her housekeeper, Josephine, waited with a table set up for her.

  Closing the door softly behind her, she smiled at Josephine and walked over to the table breathing in the lovely scents. With a soft pat on Jo’s cheek, she nodded when Jo pulled out the chair for her to sit.

  “Did you have a good night’s sleep?” Jo asked as she limped over to the sidebar to grab the coffee pot.

  Rose stopped from getting her coffee herself. Jo didn’t want her to treat her any different than any of the other servants. Even with her bad leg, Jo was an efficient housekeeper. At least Jo had a pleasing look to her, and if not for her unsightly limp, she would have been right at home with her sister Alene as one of the many coveted women working at Rose’s Delights.

  “I hardly slept, thank you very much,” Rose stated and covered her mouth as a yawn escaped.

  “Your lover can’t keep her hands off of you. Do you allow her to take control in bed?” Jo asked in a pert voice as she gave Rose her coffee.

  “Sweetie, the only woman who takes control in my bed is me.” Rose lifted her cup and winked.

  “Too bad I’ll never find out,” Jo announced and set the newspaper down near Rose’s plate.

  “You’re always welcome for me to tutor you in the sensual delights of a woman, but I know you prefer the more masculine persuasion,” Rose stated, wishing Jo would welcome the attentions of one or two of the men she kept on retainer for those ladies not ashamed to pursue pleasures outside their marriage, or the small number of male clients who welcomed the same.

  Jo didn’t blush in embarrassment. Rose didn’t expect her to. Working at keeping Rose’s Delights in tip top shape for the past five years had given her enough of a lesson, where nothing shocked her anymore, not even an indecent proposal from her employer.

  When Jo pulled up her skirt and pointed at her bad leg, Rose cleared her throat in disapproval. Even with Jo’s handicap, she never thought her to be less than a woman. But Jo had a difference of opinion which always led to them arguing.

  “Sit down, you cheeky girl and join me for a cup of coffee. And if you say you have other duties to attend to, I’ll smack you. The girls are all still abed since most of them don’t get up before noon, unlike us early risers.”

  “Clinton was in the kitchen when I grabbed your breakfast tray,” Jo said softly and sat down as ordered.

  Rose noted the way Jo gazed into her empty coffee cup as if it held the answers to the world there. For now she wouldn’t bring up Jo’s tenuous relationship with the successful male prostitute she kept on staff.

  Rose opened the paper and went straight to the society page where she learned all the dish about Charleston’s high society. Most of the gossip mentioned made her smile. It was all so delicious and scandalous. She simply couldn’t get enough of it.

  Jo asked her to read something out loud when Rose dropped her cup down loudly, causing her coffee to splash over the rim. “This has to be a lie.”

  “What outrageous things have been reported now about Mister So and So who was found in bed with Miss This and That and her friend?” Jo asked in a slightly bored tone.

  Rose pulled the paper away from her face and put it down on the table. She traced under the words with her fingernail, wondering if she read it wrong. “It says Beau Odell has left his wife and is filing for divorce.”

  “And?” Jo asked, shrugging as she grabbed a biscuit out of the basket and took a bite.

  “All you have to say is ‘and?’” Rose asked in disbelief and sat back in her chair. She would have never imagined in a million years that Beau would walk out on Lily. He had once stated he would chase the devil himself to have the Southern belle. Whatever could have happened to make him end their marriage?

  “Wasn’t there always talk about Mrs. Odell having a thing for one of her snooty friend’s husbands? Maybe Beau found him sticking his prick in Lily’s honeypot,” Jo said savagely.

  Rose pursed her lips together, unamused by Jo’s statement. �
��Manners, young lady. I taught you better than that. Keep in mind Lily has always been civil to me. Remember when I wanted to donate money to the mothers of the dead soldiers’ charity and those hoity-toity ladies said my tainted money wasn’t welcome? Lily told them if they didn’t welcome my donation she would take her very large endowment elsewhere. I still have the note Lily sent me to thank me,” she said as an afterthought.

  “You know how Beau is. He probably got tired of her and her stuck-up attitude,” Jo said and stood up. “On that note, Madam, I have laundry to do.”

  Rose waved her away. “Go ahead. On your way downstairs, wake up your sister. I have something important to discuss with her.”

  “About Mister Addison?” Jo asked.

  Rose gave her a soft smile. “Perhaps.”

  “All right, I’m leaving. Give my regards to the sleeping beauty in the next room,” Jo said as she made her way to the door.

  Snorting, Rose watched the petite blonde leave. Rolling up the paper, she slapped her palm with it. Her mind turned over the countless possibilities now that Beau and Lily were separated. Beau would most likely visit her at one point to explain what had transpired. She was interested in hearing his side of the story, as well as Lily’s, who must be devastated. Losing Beau must have her in vapors bemoaning her fate.

  But then again from what she knew about the outspoken Mrs. Odell, there was no doubt in her mind she would rise above it. And she wanted to be there to witness it.

  First she would finish her breakfast, throw Margaret out of her bed and find more information about the destruction of the Odell’s marriage.

  * * * *

  The Marelton Chambers Hotel was the second most expensive hotel in Charleston. Beau had taken Lily there many times for dinner and to meet clients. Sometimes they even stayed overnight. It made perfect sense to her that Beau would reside there until he found more permanent lodgings.

  Lily stood outside perfectly coifed and dressed in an emerald green walking dress, Beau’s favorite color on her. She planned on seeing her husband in his room and make him explain his cruel actions.