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The Princess's Bride Page 12

  "Where was I? Oh yes, about your Lord Humphrey. Things were fine and dandy, and I finally managed to save enough to leave my uncle's care." Chelsey lifted her palm up when Daisy opened her mouth. "I know I should have sent word, but time flew by and then it was almost three years later. I swear to you I was going to come back to Flaundia and take you with me. Uncle Wallace wanted me to join him on one last run. What he didn't know was that it was all a setup. He thought we would be attacking another ship carrying some expensive alcohol and exotic spices. As we were about to shoot upon the ship, it hit us with so many cannons, the likes of which I've never seen before. We were ambushed by Humphrey, who was still in the King's navy at the time. We couldn't compete with a ship that size, filled with such massive weapons.

  We were fired upon and almost taken over. But then a sudden sea squall came out of nowhere and we made our escape. Uncle Wallace was able to take us to safety, to a secret place called Pirate's Cove that is only known among…"

  "Pirates?" Daisy lifted an eyebrow.

  Chelsey leered and winked. "I knew you were a smart one, princess."

  Daisy was not amused by the reaction on her face. "Lord Humphrey attacked your ship, but you were able to get away. You are still holding a grudge after all this time? He was only doing what was good and right since you and your family were breaking the law."

  "Daisy." Chelsey tapped her fingers on her knee. "I'm holding a grudge, not because Humphrey was keeping law and order, but because that man didn't just stop at attacking our ship.

  You don't understand what he is capable of. He made sure we would pay for outwitting him. A month or so afterwards, while we repaired the ship, an assassin came on board in the middle of the night and slit my uncle's throat while he was resting in his cabin. The assassin didn't stop there, though. He went into the galley, where my mother was, and…" Chelsey coughed into her hand. "Instead of leaving her be, he ended up raping her and finished her off the same way he killed my uncle."

  Daisy sat up straight in her chair. "Wilda? But why… what about the crew? Where were you?"

  "I was asleep in my bed and awakened by a loud scream. It was my mum. I grabbed my sabre and rushed out of my room. I found the bastard on top of her. He had just… finished and was wiping his knife. I didn't stop to think and stabbed him in the back. A few of the crew came running in and found me trying to strangle the life out of him. They pulled me away so they could find out who sent him. It wasn't pretty, princess, but we kept him alive until morning and made him tell us what he knew. I will leave out those sordid details, but he told us Humphrey had sent him to finish the job, to kill my uncle. My mum was…" Chelsey broke off and walked over to one of the portholes, looking out at the vast ocean. "I can't bear to see the hate in your eyes if you knew what I did to that scum-sucking bastard's life. I-I ended up killing him. An eye for an eye."

  She didn't turn around when Daisy rose up from the chair and walked across the floor to stand behind her. Daisy laid a palm on Chelsey's back.

  Chelsey moved away and sat down on the bed, folding her hands on her lap. "Killing my uncle was one thing, but raping and killing my mother was something I couldn't allow to go unpunished. My uncle owned a bit of land, so we buried him and my mother there on the cliffs overlooking the ocean, as he had requested. He willed me two ships: the one where he and my mother had been murdered and the one we are on now, The Lady Desire. I burned the other ship… couldn't stand to be on it with all that death. I took another year to fix this ship up and brought my uncle's old crew on board. We sailed out, and I became the legend you know now, the scourge of the high seas, the only lady pirate in existence, Captain C.W. Dread. 'C' for Chelsey, 'W' in honor of my Uncle Wallace and my mother Wilda. From then on, my goal was to make Humphrey suffer and hit him where it hurts. I attacked only his ships, stealing his expensive stock, hoping he would lose everything like I did."

  "But Chelsey, you haven't lost everything." Daisy walked over to her until she stood in front of her. "Yes, you lost your uncle and your mother in a horrid way, but don’t you see this revenge and hatred you have for Humphrey will destroy you? How have you lived with yourself for these past five years?"

  "Princess, you don't understand. You never will." Chelsey stood up from the bed and cupped Daisy's cheek. Daisy titled her head into Chelsey's palm and didn't push her away.

  "And what does my kidnapping have to do with your revenge?"

  Chelsey swallowed and rubbed a thumb across Daisy's mouth. "I had no idea you were Humphrey's fiancée. I thought he was marrying some rich, privileged debutante. By stealing his woman and ransoming her off for a large amount of money he probably couldn’t pay, I would make him look like a fool and show all his fancy peers of the realm that he doesn't even have a pot to piss in."

  Daisy cringed, backing away. "How much am I worth?"

  "Ten million pounds."

  "Oh. Well, it is nice to know that I'm worth that much. I should be honored." Daisy turned away, but Chelsey's grabbed hold of her arm.


  Daisy tore her arm out of Chelsey's grip. "Stop calling me that! I can't stand to hear that endearment coming from your deceitful mouth. What if you had known all along I was Humphrey's fiancée? Then what? Would you still have stolen me? Locked me in this room and forced my body to respond to your sexual expertise? Kept your identity a secret and left me guessing?"

  Chelsey held up shaking fists. "You just don't understand."

  "I see I have hit a sore spot. I recognize that look all too well, even without your mask on to disguise you. Go ahead!" Daisy did something very unlike her and pushed Chelsey, hard.

  Chelsey stepped back and her mouth dropped in shock. "You think that if you kiss me into submission and throw me on your bed and have your wicked way with me, I'll lose all reason.

  You are welcome to try, but it will be force and most definitely rape this time."

  Chelsey lifted a hand to her brow. "Gads, my head feels like it's going to explode. I don't know what you want me to say, Daisy. I will not apologize for what I have become and what I plan to do. I wish things had turned out differently. If only your father—"

  "If only my father, what? If he hadn’t found us that day in the barn?" Daisy walked right up to Chelsey and ran a finger down her scar. Chelsey closed her eyes for a moment, savoring Daisy's touch upon her cheek.

  "Yes," Chelsey whispered and pressed her mouth to Daisy's.

  Daisy stepped back, and when Chelsey opened her eyes, she swallowed hard. Daisy wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, giving her a disgusted look.

  Chelsey dropped her

  head down, her arms lying at her side. "We knew our time together, that summer long ago, was bound to end. There was no way for two women, one of privilege, the other of the servant class, to have any future. Fate was against it. And this certainly proves that it was never meant to be."

  She ignored the burning in her eyes and refused to wipe them in front of Daisy. Taking in a deep breath, she lifted her head again, standing proud. "I see your point Prin-my lady." She sniffed, laced back up her chemise and refastened her shirt.

  Daisy stood there, twisting her hands as she watched. "Please—" She held out a hand, but Chelsey batted it away.

  "No. I think you have said enough. I have spent too much time down below humoring you when I should be up top giving out orders. You can rest assured I will not force my suit on you any longer." Chelsey straightened her shirt and walked over to the fainting couch where her back eye mask lay. She pulled it over her head and the top half of her face, tying it in a tight knot.

  "I will have another tray sent to you that I hope you will partake from. You haven't eaten anything since we came aboard my ship."

  "Chelsey, please don't be angry at me. You say you can't apologize for the way you are.

  Well, you shouldn't be disappointed in what I have said or expect me to apologize for the way I think. You must understand." Daisy moved forward, but she was pushed aside
as Chelsey walked over to her desk and grabbed the tray of uneaten bread, cheese and fruit.

  Chelsey walked to the door and looked over her shoulder. "Whatever you desire. Now if you’ll excuse me, I will leave you to your solitude." She opened the door and walked out without another word. The door closed with a soft click

  Daisy stood in the middle of the cabin, holding back tears. When she heard a muffled feminine yell in the hallway and the crash of dishes and a loud bang, she walked over to a porthole and watched the waves crash up against the side of the ship as her tears fell down her cheeks, unchecked.

  Not once did she whisper Chelsey's name.

  Chapter Eight

  Daisy watched the sun dip below the horizon of the peaceful sea with a heavy heart.

  Nothing would relieve her gloomy mood. Not even the small feast delivered by a young teenage boy, barely old enough to shave, gave her respite. Neither did the bucket of freshly scented mint water he also carried in and placed behind the bathing screen where she could sponge away the grime and sweat from her skin. Her full stomach and clean body did nothing to put her heart at ease.

  She knew there was no reason for her to feel so miserable over the way Chelsey had left.

  But this sense of loss, only equal to the time Chelsey had climbed down her bedroom window when she was seventeen and never returned, caused her to pace back and forth across the cabin.

  The swaying of the ship should have soothed her tender nerves, but it caused her stomach to tighten instead.

  "What to do… what to do?" Daisy mumbled and chewed on her thumbnail as she thought back to the argument she and Chelsey’d had together. She couldn't get past the sad and lonely look on Chelsey's face as she left her alone in the room.

  Daisy walked over and grabbed the doorknob. The young pirate sailor had failed to lock it after he had left. She wasn't certain if it was intentional or not, but regardless, she turned the handle and pushed the door open. She poked her head out, glancing up and down the hallway.

  No one stood guard. The wall across from her had a dark red stain covering it. An empty metal mug lay on its side on the floor. Its liquid had made a congealed puddle. A few slices of bread and chunks of fruit had also splattered on the ground.

  She knew the mess had to be from her original untouched tray. The loud yelling and banging noise she had heard earlier must have come from Chelsey. Daisy walked out of the cabin and stood there for a moment, deciding which way to turn, when she glanced down at her chest and remembered that she was half naked for the whole world to see.

  "I simply cannot be seen in public like this," she muttered.

  There was no possible way she could search around a ship filled with lonely men and escape being ravished. Feeling discouraged, she walked back into the cabin and shut the door.

  She spotted another door near the screen in the corner and walked over to it.

  She jiggled the knob and pulled open the door. Inside were three shelves covered with folded garments. Lined up on the floor were various knee high boots, mainly in black and brown.

  Among the lot were silk shirts and a few dark breeches. Daisy also spotted a very long and deadly looking sabre standing in the corner behind Chelsey's footwear. The sight of such a long, deadly weapon gave her a chill. She peeled her eyes away from the offensive sword and focused on the clothing.

  She scratched her head. "Why would Chelsey only have such dull clothes in her wardrobe? She really should add brighter colors to her closet." She shrugged, pushing the thought away, and took out a long-sleeved white silk shirt that would be adequate enough to cover her upper half.

  Daisy pulled on the shirt, buttoned up the front, and rolled up the sleeves. The shirt fell to mid thigh, and if she had a mirror to admire herself in, she could only imagine what she looked like, wearing a shirt too large for her frame and a nest full of curls that needed to be tamed. She pushed back her hair away from her face and walked over to a small dresser to locate some pins or a ribbon to keep it back.

  Her search was almost a fruitless one, when she pulled open a drawer full of ribbons.

  They were all black in color, and when Daisy pulled one out of the pile, the slight scent of pepper drifted up to her nose. She closed her eyes for a moment, rubbing the ribbon across her top lip, smiling over the feel of the smooth material against her skin.

  So nice… She stopped her mind from wandering and tied back her hair without the aid of a brush.

  Daisy inhaled deeply. She walked back over to the door and opened it, not bothering to take a peek out this time, and walked into the hall. The hallway was in near darkness since no one had come to light the candles that lined the walls. She stood there for a moment, listening for any footsteps or conversation, but all she heard was the creaking of the ship and a small rodent squeaking behind her.

  The mouse gave her the push she needed to move, and as she pursed her lips together, she turned and walked to her left. The hallway was large enough for two people to walk side by side, and she held onto one side of the wall as the ship dipped. Her stomach turned and she stopped for a moment to catch a few breaths. It was either the ship’s movements or her unsettled nerves that were taking a toll on her body. Quite possibly a combination of both. But she carried on until she reached a staircase made of cherry wood with a matching rail and climbed up one step at a time, unsure where it would lead.

  The climb wasn't too steep and, when she mounted the final step, she reached the ship’s deck. Daisy looked up and smiled as she watched the full moon rise to meet its children, the stars that twinkled so brightly in the darkened sky. She walked further out on deck, and without any concern for her well-being or who could be watching, she wandered over to the side. Her arm was grabbed in a tight hold right before she could lay her hand down on the smooth wood.

  Daisy spun on her heel and lifted her bare foot to kick the person holding her prisoner.

  She looked up at a very tall and handsome bald-headed man with a short beard. Daisy suddenly thought of her brother, Thomas, and how many a times he had tried to grow his whiskers in just that way as this pirate sailor had.

  "Sir, I would ask you to unhand me." She lifted her chin, speaking proudly. Her legs started shaking, though, from the pointed look this man gave her with his very naked bulging arms on display. He only wore fawn-colored breeches and dark brown boots, much like the ones Chelsey wore.

  If she had been any other woman, she would have taken a moment to appreciate this man's rock-hard chest. But thoughts of Chelsey intruded on her mind.

  The handsome man released her arm and gave her a bow. "Pardon me, my lady. I wouldn't want you to slip and tumble off the ship. This here is shark-infested waters, and the moment your body hits the ocean below, you would be pulled apart and never see the light of day ever again."

  Daisy pressed her hand against her stomach at the description of the gruesome prospect.

  "Why… thank you for making me aware and for being concerned. I must say you are a polite fellow for being a nasty, cold-blooded pirate."

  The pirate gentleman slapped his hands on his knees and bent over laughing. Daisy stood there biting her lip, unsure what to do, and waited until the man finished his laughing fit. When he did, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and combed through his short black and gray beard.

  "Well miss, my momma did teach me manners, God rest her soul." He smiled and held out a hand. "I was also taught that when in the presence of a lady, introductions are in order.

  People call me Mister Martin, but you can call me Martin.”

  Daisy held out her hand and Martin gasped it in a gentle hold, pumping it once. She watched his paw-like hand consume hers and gave him a small smile.

  "No one would believe me if I told them I was making pleasantries with a polite yet bloodthirsty pirate. They would think I made up a story, much like those lurid gothic novels I loved to read when I was younger.”

  "And no one would believe me if I told my mates that my Captain's h
ostage stood before me not cowering in fear." Martin gave Daisy a good stare, which made her blush, but otherwise she didn't fidget or gasp in fright.

  "Perhaps I'm bolder than your Captain realizes. Speaking of, where can I locate Chelsey?"

  Martin lifted an eyebrow and walked over to the side to look down below. Daisy followed suit and glanced over the edge. The moonlight cast a glow on the water. She spotted a few fins bobbing up and down in the waves. She began to make a comment about the sharks when Martin looked back at her.

  "So she told you who she was. I guess it was bound to happen with you being in such closer quarters and all." Martin made no mention of Daisy's passionate screams and moans that had come from Chelsey's cabin the night before.

  Daisy blushed, looked down at her bare feet and wiggled her toes. "Yes she did. Um…

  she fell asleep and was less than pleased that I took off her mask."

  Martin snorted, rubbing the back of his neck. "This is quite the kettle of tea we have here, my lady."

  Daisy released a giggle and Martin lifted an eyebrow. "Please excuse me, but you have the strangest accent that I simply can't place. You do say the most darling things."

  "Darling?" Martin frowned, tapping his boot.

  Daisy folded her hands in front of her and came to some interesting conclusions about this pirate, who was not what he first seemed to be. When she placed a hand on his bicep, he gave her a blank stare.

  "Chelsey told me most of what had happened after she left my father's employment, how she became the legendary C.W. Dread, and my fian-Lord Humphrey's role in her uncle and mother's death. I'm not sure what to think about the recent turn of events, since I seem to be a victim in all of this." Daisy bit her lip and glanced up at the sky. "Chelsey left before we could finish our conversation. I would very much like to be taken to her. If you will allow me the honor, that is."

  Martin wiggled his nose and pulled away from Daisy. He tapped his fingers on his belt and scratched his very bronzed and smooth chest. Daisy stood there admiring his chest with no shame. She had seen many of her father's field workers go without a shirt while they worked in the hot sun…