The Princess's Bride Read online

Page 15

  Chelsey held Daisy in a tight hug and they both kissed desperately until Mister Martin cleared his throat. Chelsey smiled at Daisy and caressed a few fingers across Daisy's throat where Humphrey had bruised her tender flesh.

  Her eyes grew hard, and she handed Daisy over to Mister Martin's care. She sauntered over to Humphrey, intent on murdering him.

  "Chelsey, come back." Daisy struggled in Mister Martin's arms, trying to get to Chelsey, but she stopped when he whispered in her ear.

  Chelsey held up a hand to silence her bloodthirsty crew. "Ah… now the tables have been turned, Humphrey." Chelsey spat right in his face. He reached out to hit her, but then he stopped when he felt a sabre pressed into the back of his neck.

  "I would proceed with caution if I were you, Humphrey." Thomas threw a large satchel at Humphrey's feet. He glanced at Chelsey. "That is my half of the ransom. Humphrey never had his half."

  "Shut up, you fool." Humphrey hissed and clenched his fists at his side as Thomas dug the pointed end of his sabre into his neck.

  "You think I will stand by while you lie, cheat and steal? I'm not as dim as you may believe me to be. You were so busy with thoughts of revenge that your secretary and I had an interesting conversation about your plans for my sister and me before we left. I, too, can be very persuasive when need be, especially with a man like Stephens, who is very lonely and treated like cattle." Thomas smiled at Chelsey, took back the satchel of money, and walked around until he stood next to her.

  "Thomas?" Daisy called out to her brother. He backed away and pulled her into his arms.

  The siblings embraced and watched as Chelsey cocked her gun and pointed it straight at Humphrey's forehead.

  "Now the main question is, what do we do with you?" Chelsey rubbed her scar and walked around Humphrey, who stood there arrogantly.

  "Do what you must, you pirate bitch. But if you kill me, you will have the country of Flaundia as your enemy. His majesty won't rest until my murder is avenged. You will be chased to the ends of the earth."

  "That may be so." Chelsey took the sabre from Thomas, gave Daisy a tender smile and turned back around. She pulled off her mask and a gasp rose among her men. Humphrey stood there heaving in anger.

  "My fencing is a tad rusty. Let’s have some fun, shall we?" Chelsey threw a sabre at Humphrey. He caught it in surprise. Chelsey held up her sabre and pulled her arm behind her back.

  "What is she doing? She could be killed." Daisy asked in concern, watching as Humphrey swung his sabre in circles.

  Martin patted her arm. "She is going to have a bit of fun with him before he meets his maker. Watch and see what happens." Martin pulled out his silver dagger and walked among the crew that had made a circle around their Captain and Humphrey.

  Chelsey and Humphrey came at one another, slashing swords and jabbing, trying their best to stab one other. The crowd remained silent as they watched a fight that was bound to become legendary.

  "That's all you got, Humphrey? I've seen better swordplay from a four year-old." She swung her sabre in an arc and almost skewered Humphrey in the stomach. At the last moment he jumped back and blocked her sabre with his own.

  "You forget I have been schooled for years in the art of fencing. A mere girl like you can't defeat me. Especially one who should have been drowned at birth for her perverted urges."

  " Ha! " Chelsey shouted and parried forward until Humphrey's back was against the mast.

  As her men talked among themselves, she glanced from the corner of her eye to give Martin the signal.

  "Daisy will never be happy with a crude, lonely and pathetic woman who should have had her throat slashed just like her uncle and mother." Humphrey sliced through Chelsey's left shoulder.

  Daisy screamed and covered her eyes. Thomas held her close, whispering comforting words in her ear.

  Chelsey ignored her lover's cries. She directed her rage at Humphrey and rammed her sword toward his face. But again, Humphrey ducked and blocked her move.

  "Don't you dare mention my mother." Chelsey wiped the sweat from her forehead and huffed as exhaustion set in. She was ready to finish the fight, when Humphrey grabbed her by the hair, pressing the tip of his sabre against her scarred cheek.

  "You have just proven why women are weaker then men and would never win in a fight.

  You are through, Dread. Just wait until I have you at my mercy. I can't wait to shove the edge of my cat-o-nine tails up your disease-ridden cunt, after I whip you until you bleed to death. Now surrender!"

  "You wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept." Chelsey simply smiled and snapped her fingers. Humphrey looked confused for a moment and moved to take down Chelsey, when Mister Martin threw her the knife. She caught it with her left hand and slit Humphrey's throat.

  Chelsey quickly ducked away from the spray of blood as Humphrey gagged and held his throat.

  He stumbled, holding his hand out for help, but no one gave him aid.

  Thomas turned Daisy around so as not to witness the ghastly sight, even though she struggled to see.

  Chelsey crossed her arms and walked slowly along as Humphrey moved backward near the side of the ship. The men moved out of his way, and no one cheered or clapped. As he met the edge of the ship, one of Dread's crew members pushed him over and down to the cold ocean below.

  Humphrey's weak screams floated up. Chelsey, Martin and some of the men looked down as three sharks feasted on Humphrey's body. As his head was ripped apart from his neck, his blood sprayed the sharks as they tore apart his limbs and chewed on his organs.

  The crew finally cheered and Martin pulled Chelsey into a tight embrace.

  "It's over now, lassie," Martin whispered in her ear.

  "Is it really?" she responded and looked over at Daisy, who sobbed into the front of her brother's shirt. Thomas held her close, pushing her hair away from her face. He gave Chelsey a blank stare.

  "Daisy…" Chelsey whispered her name.

  Daisy's head moved up. She stepped out of his embrace and stood there with her arms at her side, glancing at Chelsey from the tip of her boots to the top of her head.

  Chelsey held out her hand and Daisy ran over to her. She held Chelsey by the back of her head and pressed kisses across her face.

  "I love you… I love you… I love you. Don't scare me like that ever again." Daisy hid her face into the crook of Chelsey's neck as deep sobs shook her body.

  "I will never scare you like that ever again," Chelsey responded, pressing her cheek on top of Daisy's head.

  "You… you…pr-promise?" Daisy stammered and wrapped her arms tightly around Chelsey.

  "Whatever you desire, my princess. And this time, that is one promise I intend to keep."

  Chelsey lifted Daisy's face up and gave her a kiss that held more than just that.

  She titled her back in her arms, ignoring the catcalls of the men and the overwhelming smell of spilled blood and gunpowder. She didn't notice any of that, for when she held Daisy in her arms, she smelled the fresh ocean breeze and the slight scent of strawberries.

  Chapter Ten

  "I must say, I would never have believed pirate food could be so delicious," Thomas stated as he grabbed the platter of venison and stabbed a few slices on his plate.

  "Thomas, your manners!" Daisy reprimanded him and gave Chelsey an apologetic look.

  Chelsey linked her fingers through Daisy's and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Let your brother enjoy his meal. My cook will be pleased to hear how much you have enjoyed your dinner."

  Thomas waved his fork at Chelsey. "Much obliged, Captain." He dug into his meal with gusto and gave Daisy a sneaky smile. She in turn threw her napkin at his head and laughed.

  Chelsey sat back, drinking from her wine goblet, watching Thomas over the table as he filled his stomach. She glanced at Mister Martin, who gave Thomas covert glances as he finished his own meal. Daisy would look up from her plate and every so often tickle her toes up and down Chelsey's calf. Chelsey had decided that she and D
aisy would have their dessert in her cabin, rather in the company of the two men.

  A bright smile filled her face as she thought of the many different ways she could feed Daisy chocolate mousse and slices of fruit.

  Thomas spoke, interrupting her daydreaming.

  "Daisy, we must come up with a story about your kidnapping and Humphrey's demise.

  There is bound to be an investigation in the matter, and even with my view of the events, the crown will certainly want Captain Dread's head."

  Daisy glanced at Chelsey, gave her hand a squeeze and looked at her brother. His head wound had been stitched up quite well by Mister Martin, but a small scar close to his forehead would remain. "Thomas, I'm not coming home with you. I'm staying with Chelsey."

  "Daisy, it is too dangerous for you to be gallivanting across the ocean with pirates."

  Thomas gave Chelsey a sheepish look. "No offense, Captain, but you have to understand my sister's well being is of the utmost importance."

  Chelsey finished her wine. She released Daisy's hand and caressed her knuckles across Daisy's cheek. She stopped when she noted Thomas's frown as he watched the exchange. "I think we are in agreement. That is why this will be my last voyage. I'm retiring."

  She pulled off the eye mask she had worn for so many years and threw it over to Martin, who caught it in surprise. "Lassie—"

  "Mister Martin, I think it is high time you commandeered your own ship. I'm handing over The Lady Desire to your care. You may do with it what you will. Pirate Captain C.W. Dread will disappear and go down in the history books."

  Thomas tapped his fingers on the table and glanced back and forth between Chelsey and Martin. He stood and walked over to a set of windows that had a perfect view of the vast ocean.

  Then he folded his hands behind his back and stared off in the distance, as though he was deep in thought.

  Daisy gave Chelsey a kiss and walked over to her brother. She wrapped an arm around his waist. "Thomas, I know you only want the best for me. But I almost died when father sent Chelsey away. I am the happiest when I'm in Chelsey's arms. Now, if you can't accept that I love a woman—"

  "It is not that at all, sister dear." Thomas turned and pulled Daisy into a hug. He looked over at Chelsey and took in a deep breath. "I can see how happy Chelsey makes you. I watched, not being able to do anything, while you barely moved from your bed and walked around as if your soul was missing. I couldn't stand to see you that way, but I dared not disobey father. I really thought Humphrey would be the one person to make you happy. How wrong father and I were. That is why I want to make amends for all those years you and Chelsey have been separated."

  Thomas gave Daisy a kiss on her forehead and walked back over to the table. He stood behind his chair and looked at Chelsey. "I must have your promise that you will give up your pirating ways, become a private citizen and never talk about your past."

  Chelsey stood up from her chair. "It seems I'm making many promises this day. Mister de Fleurre, I can assure you that all I want is to make Daisy happy so that she may live without fear.

  I even have a place in mind where we can be together and no one would be the wiser."

  Thomas looked back at his sister, who held her folded hands up underneath her chin. He then turned at Martin, who gave him a wink. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well then, I'm willing to not only give you the half of the ransom, but also sign over Daisy's part of our inheritance left by our father."

  "Thomas!" Daisy squealed and ran over, giving him a big hug.

  He chuckled and wrapped her in his embrace. "Does she truly make you happy?" he whispered in her ear.

  "Yes. I love her above all else," she responded softly and gave him a smack on the mouth.

  "I say this calls for a celebration." Martin lifted his glass high in the air.

  Chelsey poured more wine into her glass, and when Daisy came back over to her, she gave her a kiss.

  Thomas and Martin both watched the affection with big grins on their faces.

  When the two women broke apart, Chelsey lifted her glass. "To love, happiness and the retirement of Captain Dread. May she rest in peace!"

  "Cheers!" Daisy, Thomas and Martin responded, drinking deeply from their cups.

  Chelsey finished her drink as one of her men brought in a tray with brandy, coffee, cigars and some cake and fruit. "Mister de Fleurre. Mister Martin. It has been a long day. Daisy and I will leave you to your cigars and after-dinner drinks."

  Martin walked over to Thomas and gave him a heavy slap on the back. "I think the de Fleurre and I can keep ourselves occupied. What do you say, lad? In the mood for a card game or two?"

  Thomas nodded, picked up a cigar and sniffed it. "As long as I shuffle the deck. I'm not certain if I can trust you."

  Martin pretended to be offended. Chelsey snorted. Daisy gave her brother a look, and Thomas shrugged and patted Martin's back gently. "Forgive me, sir. I must work on my delivery."

  "I can help you with that… as well as some other things." Martin waggled his eyebrows.

  Thomas turned away, hiding a blush that rose up from his neck to his face.

  "On that note, gentlemen, I bid you goodnight." Chelsey took Daisy's hand and led her out of the dining room.

  Daisy waved at Thomas, who stared down at Martin's hand lying on his bicep.


  "Mister Martin is going to eat your brother alive," Chelsey said as she walked around her cabin lighting candles.

  "Whatever do you mean?" Daisy asked and sat down on the bed, massaging her foot.

  "Are you telling me you didn't notice the way Martin stared at Thomas like he wanted to eat him for dessert?"

  "I wouldn’t say… ouch." Daisy moaned and pressed her fingers into the arch of her foot.

  Chelsey walked over to her. "Have you hurt yourself?"

  "Yes. I'm not used to walking around barefoot."

  Chelsey sat down beside Daisy and patted her knee. "Put your foot here, my lady."

  Daisy moved to the side and placed her aching foot into Chelsey's hands. As Chelsey manipulated her toes and massaged her ankle and heel, Daisy let out a moan and sighed. "That feels wonderful."

  "You won't need slippers or shoes where we are going." Chelsey continued to work on Daisy's foot. She enjoyed the purrs of pleasure coming from her beloved's mouth.

  "And where are we headed to, Captain?"

  Chelsey lifted Daisy's foot and kissed the top of it. With one last deep press of her thumbs, she knelt on the bed and slowly unbuttoned Daisy's shirt. "I'm plain old Chelsey now, princess."

  "And I'm just Daisy. You keep forgetting that." Daisy placed a kiss on Chelsey's cheek.

  "Yes, you are my Daisy." Chelsey gave Daisy a wet kiss as her shirt fell open.

  Daisy leaned back and pushed her hand inside Chelsey's shirt, feeling the bandage covering the top of her left arm. "When Humphrey slashed you, I—"

  "Shush." Chelsey placed a finger over Daisy's mouth. "He no longer matters." She cupped Daisy's face and gave her a kiss that initially started out as tender but quickly became more intense.

  Daisy thrust her fingers through Chelsey's hair and arched her back. She then lay back in the middle of the bed and held out her arms to her lover. "You are all mine. Come be with me, my Chelsey."

  Chelsey crawled over and rested her head against Daisy's breast. She slipped her hand inside Daisy's chemise and circled her nipple. "Remember when told you how I buried my uncle and mother under a tree overlooking the cliffs? He left me a small island a few hundred miles west of here. He built a small cottage surrounded by many coconut and mango trees, where the ocean is right at our doorstep." Chelsey lifted her head up and gave Daisy a gentle kiss. "I want to build a home with you there by my side, where we can be free to love without any worries."

  "And eat coconuts and mangoes all day as we read under the trees?"

  "Princess, I can assure you we won't be reading under any trees while we are there."

lsey pulled down Daisy's chemise, sprinkling kisses over her swollen breasts.

  Daisy sighed and pushed her hand down into the front Chelsey's breeches, cupping her mound. She combed her fingers through Chelsey's curls. "Oh… you are so warm here." She licked her lips and pressed one of her fingers into Chelsey's moist entrance. "Can we walk on the beach and swim naked for hours on end?"

  Chelsey released Daisy's breast with a soft pop and straddled her hips. "We can do all that and more, my lady." She leaned down and kissed Daisy until she panted. "Anything you want will be yours. From now on, we are in charge of our own destinies. We will live like queens on our own island paradise, like we always have wanted to do. How does that sound?"

  Daisy nodded, cupping Chelsey's scarred cheek. She placed a kiss there. Her eyes grew wet and she sniffed. "Whatever you desire, my dearest Chelsey."

  "Oh the things you say, my love…my only desire." Chelsey grabbed Daisy by her face and kissed her over and over.

  Both women undressed each other slowly, stopping only to touch and savor one another's salty, yet sweet tasting skin.

  Late into the night, moans and sighs filled the cabin room as the lady and her ex-pirate loved one another under a clear, starry night's sky, covered with a few puffy clouds that drifted over the horizon to where their new future together lay.